Title: Wonderfully and Fearfully Made Fandom: New Who (Eleven) Rating: PG at most Summary: Coda to the Doctor’s Wife. The Tardis dreams. Disclaimer: Owned by Moffat, not me
Title: Deposition Author: Kita Rating: R for sex Fandom: Inception Summary: Deposition is the opposite of sublimation. Arthur/Eames-ish. A/N: Spoilers for the movie, obviously. No warnings needed.
Title: Fortunate Son (Times Four) Author: Kita Rating: PG-13 Summary: No matter what the universe, he’s always gonna be the Destroyer. A/N: 150 words each. Just to prove to myself I can still write.
Man, Lynne and I are so stoked at how well this Spangel ficathon went! So many stories, so many GOOD stories, and there's even a few left to come! Some of my most favorite writers asked for more time. WHO AM I TO SAY NO, I ASK YOU
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